Q: Where is Luxurie-Home based?

A: We're proudly headquartered in London.

Q: How does shipping work with Luxurie-Home?

A: Luxurie-Home collaborates with global merchants and artisans to offer you unique products at the best prices. When you place an order, it is shipped directly from various global areas, including Thailand, Tibet, China, India, and more.

Q: What is the estimated shipping time for orders?

A: Due to the direct shipment from our partners in different countries, please allow 2-4 weeks for your item to arrive. Shipping times may vary based on factors such as the destination, customs processing, and the efficiency of our shipping partners.

Q: Can I track the status of my order during shipping?

A: Yes, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number once your order is shipped. This tracking number allows you to monitor the progress of your order as it makes its way to you.

Q: Do you offer international shipping?

A: Absolutely! We offer international shipping options, ensuring you can shop with us no matter where you are. Luxurie-Home provides free shipping with no additional fees for international orders. Customers won't incur any shipping charges during the checkout process.

Q: What if my order doesn't arrive within the estimated time frame?

A: Don't fret if your order doesn't show up immediately; it's en route! Shipping times can vary, and delays may occur due to factors beyond our control. If you have concerns about the status of your order, please contact our customer support for assistance.

Q: What is Luxurie-Home's Satisfaction Guarantee?

A: Every order is supported by our no-questions-asked 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don't love your Luxurie items, we'll send replacements for free or provide a full refund. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Q: Are there any additional fees for international orders?

A: Luxurie-Home provides free shipping with no additional fees for international orders. Customers won't incur any shipping charges during the checkout process. However, they may be responsible for any customs duties, taxes, or fees imposed by their country's customs authorities.

Q: What should I do if I need to return something?

A: No problem at all! If you need to return an item, please reach out to us promptly via our Contact Form or Chat-Boat, and our team will guide you through the return process. We aim to make the return process as seamless as possible for you.

Q: Is there a specific time frame for returns?

A: Yes, we stand by our products, and we offer returns for 30 days after you receive your purchase. If you have any concerns or issues with your order, please contact us within this timeframe.

Q: How do I initiate a return?

A: To initiate a return, simply reach out to us through our Contact Form or Chat-Boat. Our customer support team will provide you with the necessary instructions and assist you in processing your return.

Q: Will I be charged for return shipping?

A: No, we want your return experience to be hassle-free. If you need to return an item, we will send you a prepaid mailer to cover the return shipping costs. This service is part of our commitment to providing excellent customer satisfaction.

Q: What is the process after I request a return?

A: Once you reach out to us and initiate a return, our team will guide you through the necessary steps. You'll receive instructions on packaging your item and using the provided prepaid mailer. Once we receive your return, we'll process it promptly.

Q: What if my purchase is damaged or defective?

A: If your purchase arrives damaged or defective, please contact us immediately. We will work with you to resolve the issue, whether it involves sending a replacement, providing a refund, or offering another suitable solution.

Q: How long does it take to process a return?

A: We strive to process returns as quickly as possible. Once we receive your returned item, the processing time typically takes a few business days. You will be notified once your return is processed.

Happy Shopping!

Best, The Team at Luxurie-Home