About Us

Welcome to Luxurie Home, your go-to spot for amazing finds that guarantee 100% satisfaction! We're an online store that picks out the best stuff from all around the world, making sure you get awesome deals without sacrificing quality.
Sure, our shipping might take a bit longer (2-4 weeks), but trust us, the wait is worth it. You'll be getting top-notch items at unbeatable prices, and we stand by that with our famous 100% money-back guarantee.
Our Promise at luxuriehome.com
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee: Love what you bought, or get your money back!
  • Free & Easy Returns: No worries if something doesn't click – returning is a breeze.
  • Free Worldwide Shipping: Enjoy free shipping on almost everything, no matter where you are.
Your happiness matters to us, and if you ever run into an issue with your purchase, just give us a shout. We'll make things right and happily give you a full refund.
Got questions or need a hand? Contact us through our special page or shoot us an email at info@luxuriehome.com.
Happy Shopping!
Cheers, The Team at luxuriehome.com